People frequently get genital herpes by having sexual contact with others who have no idea they are infected or who are having outbreaks of herpes without any sores. An individual with genital herpes can also infect a sexual partner during oral sex. Scanning the web, you'll see home cures for cold sore problems but you want to use discrimination and not just buy into something anecdotal. For another, it may not have even been a cold sore or fever blister but couldve been a zit or something else and the poster misdiagnosed himself.
I do not suggest this as some can dry out the sore and this will at times lead to a much bigger sore a day or so later. This looks to be a good recommendation as l-lysine will suppress the argine and also be both a good defensive as well as help if you've got an existing cold sore. It is tough to test this as there isnt a hidden spot to try it on * Apply toothpaste and leave on overnite. In the same forum somebody else announced that they find sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpastes irritates her cold sores and could be a trigger for her, not a cure. Your lip is a sensitive area and a cold sore can last 10 to 14 days. The herpes virus is spread only barely, if at all, by touching objects like a toilet seat or spa. John Currie is a leading expert on tinnitus, hyperacusis and Meniere's illness and has been running his tinnitus related site since 1999. Here is a really great resource on the subject of herpes treatment