Cold sores can form blisters anywhere on the body. There are lots of commercial treatments planning to allieviate the condition of cold sores, and all carry some risk, whatever their efficacy, so these are some concepts for natural cures that are free and simple to use. Attempt to relax and take life easier. Most of the people have no or minimum symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. Hilton Johani is a leading expert on period pains,Tinnitus, hyperacusis and Meniere's illness and has been helping John Currie in running his tinnitus related web site since 1999. His recommendation and tinnitus treatment plans have helped crowds of people around the planet.
At the 1st sign of an attack ( typically a 'tingling' ), apply ice for no less than a quarter of an hour. Repeat frequently if you can - the virus doesn't like the cold.
Between applications of ice, you can try applying vitamin E which can be acquired in liquid form at any health store. Click this link for more stuff about herpes treatment