it is vital that girls avoid contracting herpes when pregnant because a first episode when pregnant causes a bigger chance of transmission to the baby. If a girl has active genital herpes at delivery, a cesarean delivery is generally performed. Herpes may perform a part in the growth of HIV, the pathogen that causes aids . Since a johnny may not cover all infected areas, even correct and consistent use of latex rubbers can't guarantee protection from genital herpes. People with herpes should refrain from sexual activity with uninfected partners when wounds or other signs of herpes are present. Sex partners of infected people should be suggested that they may get infected. Sex partners can seek testing to ascertain if they're infected with the herpes simplex pathogen ( HSV ). John Currie's latest web site can be discovered at Herpes John Currie is a leading expert on tinnitus, hyperacusis and Meniere's illness and has been running his tinnitus related site since 1999. His recommendation and tinnitus treatment plans have helped legions of people around the planet. John Currie's latest web site can be discovered at Herpes John Currie is a leading expert on tinnitus, hyperacusis and Meniere's disease and has been running his tinnitus related web site since 1999.