When active, the herpes pathogen generally causes observable ulcerations in the gonads. Folk regularly get genital herpes by having sexual contact with others who do not know they're infected or who are having outbreaks of herpes without any sores.
An individual with genital herpes can also infect a sleeping partner during oral sex. Scouring the web, you'll see home-made remedies for cold sore issues but you want to use discrimination and not just buy into something anecdotal. For another, it might not have even been a cold sore or fever blister but couldve been a spot or something else and the poster misdiagnosed himself. If I am taking l-lysine however I will eat peanut butter carefully.
I do not suggest this as some can dry out the sore and this could on occasions lead to a much bigger sore a day or so later on. A cold sore is from the hsv pathogen ( herpes simplex ). I've not attempted this but have read that folk use this for chigger. This appears to be a good proposal as l-lysine will suppress the argine and also be both a good preventive as well as help if you have an existing cold sore. I haven't attempted this but it is dependent on the sensitiveness of your lip and its reply to alcohol. When you look at a forum see whether there's contradicatory proof. Your lip is a delicate area and a cold sore can last 10 to 14 days.